Still . . . . . after all these years

Time is flowing on so quickly and I feel like I'm sitting on the deck of the City View Tavern eating a fresh roast beef sandwich with onions on rye, sipping a limed Corona, and watching time slipping away.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Throughout my life, I have made decisions, choices, which have determined the future direction of the rest of my life: my experiences and perceptions upon this level of existence. There were times when those decisions felt as though they were choices of sacrifice, like my decision in 1981 to have a vasectomy and thereby miss the joys and the challenges of having children. Life has been good to me, however, in regard to that decision, for I married into a family with four grown children and what is now four granddaughters, and will be five next month. I love them all and am grateful that they have afforded me with the pleasures which I had chosen to forego those many years ago.

Many of those decisions over the years have led me in directions which were not simpatico with the lives of the majority of those around me. I have therefore lived a good deal of my life as a loner of sorts, even when I was "with" others. This has afforded me a good deal of time for observation. As a result, I have developed some different, and possibly unique, perspectives, which others might not have had the time to notice.

It is my purpose, under the nom de plume of ZMajorDomo to share these perspectives through this blog, "Still ….. after all these years." I hope that you find as much enjoyment from your consideration of these viewspoints as I have in their discovery.